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Who We Are

Our mission is to represent history by the highest standards, educating by giving an authentic representation of women and their various roles in the 19th century. We focus on the yeoman class, interpreting the average woman as a productive member of the farming communities of North Georgia and Middle Tennessee. We also give great attention to the sacrifices that these women made during the Civil War years as many left their homes to make way for the armies and their battles. We strive to preserve their memories with dignity and accuracy.

The Chattahoochee Refugee Society was begun as the Women's Living History Society in Franklin, Tennessee in 1994. The group is now headquartered out of the Atlanta, Georgia area but we travel throughout the southeast. We have been involved in many living history interpretations through the years. A partial list of the sites and events follows:

Robin  & Nancy

Spring Hill/Franklin/Nashville Re-enactment -
Refugee camp Spring Hill, TN

October 1995

Picketts Mill State Historic Park Battle Commemoration Refugee interpretation Dallas, GA

June 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999

Shaker Village Civil War encampment
Refugee interpretation Pleasant Hill, KY

June 1998

Atlanta History Center Civil War encampment
Refugee interpretation Atlanta, GA

July 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999

Atlanta History Center

This list represents some of the larger events that the Chattahoochee Refugee Society has attended. These are events in which we were asked specifically to interpret refugees. The Chattahoochee Refugee Society has also participated in working skills days and living history interpretations at many local historic sites. A complete list is available upon request.

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