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Marches and Bivouacs
the Camp Crowder Central Signal Corps School Workbook
When you learn that your organization is to make a March the next day, there are a number of things you should attend to the proceeding evening.
1. Clean and fill your canteen with fresh water as there may be little time to do so in the morning.
2. Check your personal equipment to see that you have all the articles necessary for personal cleanliness:
3. Check the adjustment of your pack suspenders and belt. (A poorly adjusted pack adds much to the discomfort and fatigue of a March.)
4. You should have at least two (2) pairs of woolen socks that have no holes or darned places.
5. Check your shoes carefully. See that they fit comfortably; are in good repair and well broken- in.
6. When you fall in to start a March, do so QUIETLY! One of the best indications of a well-trained outfit is absence of noise and confusion.
B. Rules to Observe While On the March:
1. Drinking Water:
The consumption of water on a March is largely a matter of habit. Drink plentifully before you start——after that, sparingly. A small pebble carried in the mouth keeps It moist and reduces thirst.
2. Food and Beverages:
At all times avoid eating or drinking unwholesome foods and beverages. Use only water approved by your commanding officer. The eating of sweets should be avoided as it tends to increase thirst.
3. Perspiration:
Excessive perspiration causes the loss of necessary salts from the body resulting in fatigue and heat exhaust ion. Drinking common table salt dissolved in water, or salt tablets, will help to relieve this condition. (Cold tea or coffee is also helpful.)
4. Appearance:
Remember, Civilians will judge you, your organization and the ARMY by your appearance. Be neat. Be smart. Avoid the use of profane language or of making remarks to Civilians.
1. Rest as much as possible during a halt. Do not stand or wander about.
If the ground is dry, loosen your belt and assume as comfortable a position as possible.
2. If you find it necessary to answer the 'call of nature', dig a small pit and immediately refill after using.
3. Private Property:
Do Not Enter Private Property. (The picking of fruits and vegetables from orchards or gardens is a serious offense.)
D. What To Do If You Become Ill.
1. Do not fall out until you have received the permission of an officer.2. Wait beside the roadside for the Medical Detachment that follows at the rear of the column.
3. Don't be a Sissy!
However, if you are actually ill or unable to continue the March, secure permission from an officer and wait for medical aid.
* * * *
IF you observe the above precautions, you should have no difficulties on the average March.
Camp Sites:
The ideal camp site should have plenty of pure water, grass turf and easy access to good roads. It should be of ample size to afford room for dispersion and easy concealment from enemy observation. During hot weather shady areas, free from underbrush, are desirable . (Dusty, polluted or damp soil, stagnant water and dry stream beds, should be avoided. During actual combat, however, battle conditions may necessitate the use of inferior camp sites)
F. The Shelter Tent:
1. The shelter tent ordinarily provides shelter for two (2) men and is used extensively in field problems and under combat conditions. Two tents may be pitched together forming a double shelter tent. Use of the double shelter tent conserves space and is occupied by four (4) men. It affords additional warmth during periods of extreme cold.
2. When on Bivouac, you and your tentmate will normally pitch your tent where it will be concealed from possible enemy observation. Pick a dry place on high ground. (All principles of tent pitching apply except that there will be no attempt to align them.) ditch should be constructed immediately even though you expect to remain only a single night. In cold or windy weather the dirt from the ditch should be carefully banked around the tent, which is placed with the closed end into the wind. During rainy weather, loosen the guy ropes to prevent the tent pegs from pulling out. In any event the tent pins should be securely driven in.
G. Bed-Making:
Take time to make a good, comfortable bed. It will make better sleeping possible.
Personal Care and Comfort:
1. Wet Clothing
Remove wet clothing immediately upon reaching camp. Put on dry clothes if possible; otherwise dry out your wet clothing before a fire. If even this is impossible, remove clothing and wring out carefully.
2. Shoes
Dry your shoes by placing warm, not hot, pebbles inside them. Do Not Place Damp Shoes Next To A Fire. Shoes should be oiled while they are dry to keep then waterproof and pliable.
3. Feet
As soon as possible after reaching camp, wash your feet with soap and water. Dry your feet carefully, especially between the toes. Until feet are hardened, dust them with G.I. foot-powder secured from your Supply Sergeant. After washing your feet, put on a clean pair of socks. Wash out the soiled pair.
I. Camp Sanitation:
1. Water
a. Be careful of the water you drink. Do not drink
any water from a stream, well or faucet until it
has been certified as pure by a Medical Officer and
a sign posted to that effect.b. When Lyster Bags are used, you will usually find them placed in your Company street near the Kitchen. Under such circumstances, drink only the water from this bag. Do not mind the peculiar taste as it will not hurt you. Let the water run from the faucet of the bag into your cup. Never dip a cup into the Lyster Bag or drink by putting your lips to the faucet.
c. Drink from your own cup or canteen, Only. (Do Not Exchange pipes, cigars, cigarettes, towels or shaving equipment.)
2. Latrines:
Be especially careful to relieve yourself only in the Latrine. Always go to the Latrine to urinate or for a bowel movement. (Using the ground for this purpose is a source of Great Danger both to yourself and your organization.)
Press both thumbs down hard on the catch. It will release the handle. Do not pound or pry open.
Hold mess kit and cup as indicated in illustration above.
III HOW TO WASH YOUR MESS KITRinse in Can No. 1 -- Wash with brush in Can No. 2 -- Rinse thoroughly in Can No. 3 --- and air-dry.
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